I wasn't tagged to do this, per se, but as I checked out
Saltwater Dream's blog today, she had done it and I thought it to be a great idea, especially since I am new to this whole blog thing.
I'm sitting at work passing the time until I can go get my hair done, so here goes:
1. I was an Art History major in college and art is my obsession. I started out as an Art major but loved Art History so much, I picked it up as a double. I wish I could go back and take more. I have seriously considered getting my Master's and teaching Art History one day. I think it's super important to start at the high school level. I took every art class possible while in high school, but was never taught about the history behind it.
Some of my favorite artists include Picasso, Warhol and Botticelli and Caravaggio from the Italian Renaissance. I also love Greek Art and Architecture. My favorite current artist is George Rodrigue based out of New Orleans. I own one of his silkscreens.
2. I love bourbon. Hence the name of the blog. I love it so much - I love it on the rocks, I love it with water, I love bourbon balls, I love the chocolate woodford ice cream at Corbett's. I can't get enough. I know it's somewhat cliche being from Kentucky and all, but I guess it's just in my blood. My preferred bourbon is Basil Hayden's with water. I cannot stand when people order bourbon and diet or bourbon and coke, or really anything with bourbon besides ice or water. It drives me insane.
3. I am obsessed with animals and particularly my two dogs. I have a mutt, that I've learned is part Australian Cattle Dog named Phoebe and an English Bulldog named Gus. They are the highlight of my day. I honestly think there is nothing more rewarding (at this point in my life since I do not have children...yet) than owning a pet. I am actually no longer allowed to go to the store to purchase pet food because I come home crying about some dog or cat they have their up for adoption that I'm convinced we need. And I'm completely biased because I think my two dogs are the cutest dogs in the entire world - just like every other dog owner.
4. Also like a true Southern girl, I am in love with fried chicken. It's kind of a problem, because I also love being thin. But, all things in moderation, right? Honestly, if I go to a restaurant and it is on the menu, I'm ordering it. I only eat white meat, and only boneless. I do not eat meat on a bone. That's disgusting. My mom makes a mean fried chicken, but the best I've ever had is at a restaurant very close to my house, J. Harrod's.
5. I have traveled all over the United States and Europe. I have visited many cities that I adore. BUT - I will never live anywhere other than right here in Louisville, Kentucky. I seriously love the city that I've been raised. It's small enough where you know a ton of people but large enough that it's still cosmopolitan. We have great local restaurants, boutiques, art museums, history museums, Broadway plays, music festivals - you name it. We are not the hick town everyone thinks we are. To me, this is home, and it always will be. I couldn't imagine raising my children anywhere but here. But just to throw out another random fact, my top five favorite cities of all time are (in no order): Chicago, St. Thomas, USVI, San Francisco, Seattle and Cabo. With NYC coming in at a close sixth.
6. My husband is my best friend. Insert gagging noise here. But seriously, he really is. We met in high school at a football game our junior year, but that's not when we started dating. I was driving a few of us somewhere after the game and I got a flat tire - and he was completely put out with me (real gentleman, right?). Then we both went to the University of Louisville together and we both rushed. I was a Chi Omega and he was a Phi Kappa Tau. As a group, we all hung out. The Mister was hilarious in college. Always joking, made fun of people (in a good way), very sarcastic. After graduation, he moved to the Virgin Islands and we lost touch for two years. About a year after he moved back, we ran in to one another. And boy....had he grown up. He was HOT. And we exchanged numbers and he called me and asked me out. And called, and called, and called. For two months he called! But I always turned him down. I had just gotten out of a rather ugly relationship, and I just wasn't ready for that. I remembered him as the guy from college that was all jokes and making fun, but not serious. I finally caved on May 27, 2006. It was the best decision I ever made. He completely proved me wrong. Oh - he still makes fun of people. And he is highly sarcastic. And I love him for it. But he is also selfless, and caring, and hilarious and built like a brick shithouse. That always helps. ;) I would pick him over anyone else any day of the week to hang out with.
7. My Dad is my hero. And yes, a lot of people say that. But he really is. He calls me every.single.day. just to tell me he is proud of me and that he loves me. He came from nothing. Literally nothing. And he is a true success story. He worked so hard to provide for me, my mom and my sister. He traveled all over, all the time - he is still gone about 3 - 4 days out of the week at 68 years of age. But he never missed a birthday, anniversary, soccer game, cheerleading competition - nothing. Ever. Family came first. He has instilled that belief in me this very day. He has been diagnosed with cancer not once, but twice in the past 8 years. He beat it both times. He is so strong, and so admirable. All of my friends love him - and he loves all of them. He has a genuine interest in every person he meets, and that makes him so special. You don't find many like him.